Washmis - Upande Ltd
Our vision is to enable every individual and organization reduce losses and achieve sustainable optimal performance through smart asset management.
tph, sensor, temperature, pressure, humidity, calibrated, par sensor, photosyntetically active radiation, pressure sensor, transducer, level, ullage, Water level sensor, ultrasonic level sensor, fluid, tank, gprs, water level sensor, ultrasonic level sensor, fluid, tank, nbiot, water level, ultrasonic level sensor, fluid, tank, lora, chlorine, active chlorine, chlorine ppm, Cumulative Flow, volume, flow meter, flow,water flow, clamp on, ultrasonic, water pressure sensor, in-line, power clampon sensor, kwh, kilowatt hour, kplc, power meter, in-line meter, consumer unit, door sensor, number of openings, length of opening, cold room, energy loss reduction, SMS alerts, SMS, message, threshold, ph, acidity, alkalinity', water quality, aquaculture, hydroponics, aquaponics, EC sensor, Electrical conductivity sensors, email alert, email, notifications, updates, due date, deadlines, android app, sensor dashboard, customer dashboard, ERP, Software as a service, SAAS, Modules, Software, ERPNext, Bookkeeping, Accounting, CRM, projects, stock, ecommerce, Meter reading, Meter, Water Bill, bill dispatch, Billing, Aquaculture, Agriculture, FIsh Farming, Fish Farmer, Meter reading, ToDo, CIS, Customer Satisfaction Survey, Alerts, Customer Identification Survey, CIS, know your customer, commercial loss reduction, nrw, corrective actions, NRW, non revenue water, water supply, supplied water, billed water, lost water, unaccounted for water, water leakage, water produced, illegal connection, Covid, Corona, covid19, sewer, sewage, sewerage, septic tank, bacteria, epidemiology, wastewater, Agriculture, crop cycle, land unit, diseases, fertilizer, profitability, yield prediction, soil sampling, water quality sampling
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