ODK Services

Mobile data collection improves the effectiveness, correctness and consistency of datacollection. Open Data Kit (ODK) is a modular and simple to use set of open source applications that support structured questionnaire design, data collection, real-time data transfer, and database management. Collect supports a wide range of data i.e. location, audio, images, video, barcodes, signatures, multiple-choice, free text, and numeric answers.
ODK also provides a way to collect and store geo-referenced information, along with a safe, secure and powerful ONA dashboard to visualize, analyze and manipulate ground data for specific needs. It enables an understanding of the data for decision-making, research, business, disaster management, agriculture and more.

Why ODK?

1. Improved capacity in the design, and use of ODK
2. Increased response rates for surveys and logical consistency of responses
3. Reduced time for data collection and data entry
4. Increased overall accuracy of datasets
5. Flexibility – Our dashboard lets you choose who you want to share data with in real time.
6. Powerful data visualization – Our powerful data visualization and analysis tools are simple enough for anyone to use.
7. Custom maps that let you browse all submissions or filter points based on fields and answers.
8. Download your data anytime in different Excel formats.

What do we offer?

1. Conducting training on ODK collect, KoboCollect, Formhub, GeoOdk.
2. ODK customization & branding.
3. Design , validation & Implementation of ODK surveys.
4. Visualizing Geographic Data from ODK forms.
5. A simple and powerful data visualization platform with unlimited storage – Powered by ONA

Case studies

Upande has built a strong reputation in providing innovative odk services and solutions for a local and global clientele in both public and private sectors. These include:-
World Bank, The Water Services Trust Fund where we have provided odk solutions to map points and polygons in Kenya, GroundTruth2.0 where we setup and built Kenyan and Zambia’s observatory apps by implementing and customizing odk , GIZ where we collected, mapped and Analyzed over 50,000 points, We have also worked with several Water Service Providers in Kenya to map their customer base and also track Non revenue Water.

Regions and countries of experience include, Eastern Africa (Kenya, Tanzania), Southern Africa(Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa), West Africa (Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal), Netherlands.