ICU beds in Kenyan hospitals

At Upande we are big fans of maps and everything related to spatial data. Maps are a form of data visualisation that can help bring out the story in data. For example on the number of available beds in both the private and public health clinics and hospitals across Kenya. A key question in the current COVID-19 situation.

What we have done is taken the county boundaries of Kenya from our GIS database and linked it to data from Kenya Healthcare Federation which we got in a spreadsheet format. Below is the result of one of the indicators, the number of beds in public hospitals across the country. What comes out quite clearly at a glance is the large number of counties with zero ICU beds, assuming this data is correct.

If you mouse over or click on the counties, you will find more information including number of available beds and ventilators.
You can also find a map with the private facilities, taken from KHF also. If we are able to get updates on these numbers, we will continuously update them with reference to the right sources.

  • Samuel Onyango
    Posted at 15:45h, 04 April Reply

    This is very useful insight! Please keep Kenya informed through the Coronavirus pandemic!

  • Alexander valeton
    Posted at 17:24h, 04 April Reply

    Very nice visuals… Great to have creative that don’t sit on their hands. Super!

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